Many women and men suffer the after-effects of abortion, abuse and pregnancy loss that can include feelings of emptiness, loss, intense grief or sadness, depression & anxiety, guilt or remorse, inability to forgive oneself or others, intense anger, emotional numbness, shame, suicidal thoughts or behaviors, isolation, insomnia or nightmares, flashbacks, problems with drugs and alcohol and relationship difficulties.
You are not alone. Hope and Healing is available.
Through weekend retreats, group studies and mentoring, safe, non-judgmental environments are created where women and men can process and express deep emotions and receive support they need to heal.
The Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreats help women and men experience God’s love and compassion on a deeply profound level. The retreats create an uninterrupted place where women and men can share, often for the first time, their deepest feelings about abortion. They are allowed to uncover troubling secrets in an environment of emotional and spiritual safety.
Group studies allow women and men to discuss the various emotions and after-effects they face as they take steps to heal and find peace, restoration and renewal.
Mentoring can provide the first steps in healing for women and men as they begin communicating their emotions and struggles to a caring person who is there to listen and offer support to them on their healing journey.
This is therapy for the soul. Peace is found. Lives are restored. A sense of hope and meaning for the future is rediscovered.