"When I first heard about Rachel's Vineyard, I didn't think it was for me. I thought I'd already been working through my trauma but I was doing it alone. As soon as I walked in, I knew I wasn't alone. I never once felt alone. The love, support and freedom I felt this weekend was the most incredible experience I've ever had. My heart is full and whole today as I leave"
"Reality shifting. This was the most enriching experience that I've ever had, and it snuck up from behind. It was a gentle, yet constant encapsulation of true kindness and the most support I've ever felt."
"This retreat was my safeplace to process the pain and heartache that I buried deep down inside. It allowed me breathing room to find healing I have been desperate for."
"I didn't tell anyone I was coming on this retreat. I have felt very embarrassed and foolish for feeling sad about my miscarriages. Going home, I feel like I finally have closure and that shame has been removed. This weekend has felt like a life changing moment. I am so very grateful."
"This weekend has been a time of acknowledgement and affirmation. Sharing hurts, pains and fears with other women and working together to receive God’s healing is countenance changing and hopeful. Seeing women transform and change, myself included, renewed my hope for the future. I am leaving unburdened by guilt and fear."
“It was truly an amazing weekend! My heart was touched as the light penetrated the deepest and darkest places within me to bring true healing once and for all. It has been the most life-changing experience I have ever had.”
“I’ve struggled with my identity my whole life. Who I thought I was and who I wanted to be! I’ve felt guilty, shameful, dirty, worthless, unworthy of love, and abandoned... I shared things this weekend that only a handful of people knew about. I was finally able to pinpoint why I felt the way I felt…I walked away knowing that I am chosen, worthy, forgiven, and a son of the highest King! I will no longer let the enemy throw it at me because I know it’s all covered by the blood of Jesus!”
“Thank you for this amazing team and the nature of each strategic piece. I have learned the mercy and grace of God that I would never have understood otherwise. Absolutely soul-changing.”
“This retreat was the lifeline to healing I didn’t even know I needed. Every single portion revealed new things that God wanted to heal, restore, and reconcile. I have never in my life received so much healing in so little time. It allowed for a safe place to grieve and share. Our team was amazing. This by far is the absolute best thing I have ever done. I walked out a new woman. Whole.”
“I have never experienced in my life the acceptance, love, and understanding of events in my past. I have been able to connect for the first time with others regarding my past and start the healing journey. I never thought this would be possible.”
“Life-changing - the love and mercy of each leader were so imperative to my healing. I felt ‘seen’. It is life-changing in ways you really can’t imagine.”